Backgammon game types

Backgammon offers many of the same game types as poker. You can choose between playing single matches, series, sit-and-go tournaments, scheduled tournaments and freerolls.

Single Match:

Here you play a single game against another player. You agree how much you play for, whether you play with double dice, and set a limit for the maximum amount played for. The double die doubles the original bet, just as gammon and backgammon respectively double and triple the bet multiplied by the double die. However, you can never lose or win more than the limit of the game. That is, if you have already reached the limit with the double die, it does not matter whether you win a gammon or backgammon. The winner pays a commission of the winnings to the venue.



Here, the game is played to an agreed number of points for an agreed amount. Whoever first achieves the agreed number of points wins the entire amount. Each game is basically worth 1 point, but double dice can increase this, just as a gammon and a backgammon respectively double and triple the number of points the game is worth. Regardless of how many points you win with, you only win the agreed amount. The winner pays a commission of the winnings to the venue.

Sit-and-go tournaments:

The tournament starts when a certain number of players have registered. After that, you typically play according to a cup system, so that the winner of one game plays against the winner of another game until an overall winner is found. Everyone pays a fee to the venue when registering – the rest of the amount goes directly to the prize pool.

Scheduled tournaments:

Scheduled tournaments

Works in the same way as sit-and-go tournaments – they just start at a predetermined time, and are typically with more players than in the sit-and-go tournaments.


Scheduled tournaments where it is free to participate, but where you can still win an amount of money. In order to gain access, you often have to earn points first by playing for real money. However, freerolls are also often offered for free in promotions from the various sites.

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